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Eagles Flying Association
Eagles Flying Association
Rules of the Eagles Flying Association (2020 Update)
Thanks in advance for helping to make our club safe and fun.
Medical Emergency at the Flying Site
In the event of a medical emergency, dial 999 (a doctor is not going to visit you out there). Your phone will automatically select the strongest network provider no matter what network you are on so don't worry if you can't get a signal at the site, always carry your mobile phone. When asked for your location, tell them 'Hazel Trees Fury'.  This is a recorded location on their database and the ambulance will be directed straight to the site.

How are you going to remember Hazel Trees Fury?
You don't need to.  Add a contact on your phone with the name Hazel Trees Fury, enter the number as 999 and save it.  When you dial 999, your phone will display the caller as 'Hazel Trees Fury'.


Accidents and Emergencies:

General and Flying Rules:


To promote safety and flying standards within the club, the benchmark for ‘Safe Solo’ is a BMFA BPC or A certificate. Members or guests are required to be supervised by a competent pilot, unless they have gained a BPC or A certificate. Club Examiners are available to assist with certification.


DB V3 Jan 2020